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group of children outside
Sèvres - Boulogne - Saint-Cloud
Le plaisir d'apprendre
Les compétences pour réussir
Confiance en soi et autonomie
Les perspectives à l'international
Eveil du plein potentiel des élèves
Grandir avec les SIS

Un leader de l'éducation bilingue et internationale depuis 1960


Nous recrutons les nouveaux élèves chaque année.

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Section Anglophone

Des 'Little Peas' jusqu'aux lycéens qui préparent le BFI, un enseignement en langue maternelle éveillant et exigeant

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Section Germanophone

Notre section germanophone accueille les élèves bilingues et ceux qui veulent le devenir

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La Vie aux SIS

Nos élèves s'enrichissent avec le théâtre, les voyages et les activités extra-scolaires

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Nos Elèves et nos Anciens

Nous sommes multiculturels, multilingues et résolument internationaux

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Plus de 60 ans d'histoire

SIS Paris Ouest compte parmi les plus anciennes sections internationales de France

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réussite au BAC



SIS Paris Ouest - with its supportive environment, strong and cohesive peer groups and outstanding, invested, innovative teachers - has encouraged and enabled my sons to build the confidence and skills always to question, to analyse, to compare, to contrast, to never take anything at face value, to look beyond the obvious boundaries, to think out of the box, to persevere and fight to achieve what they want, to never give up. 

- Emma, Anglophone section parent

2 sections

C'est une chance que mes enfants ont pu évoluer, ici en France, dans une 'classe allemande' - avec des profs allemands, une méthodologie allemande et dans le respect des traditions des pays germanophones - riche en expériences que les SIS ont su pérenniser. 

Saïd, parent de la section germanophone

Ross Black testimonial

Teaching in the SIS is a real privilege. The students we teach are overwhelmingly motivated, open minded, intelligent, as well as being genuinely interesting people given the incredible breadth of cultural experiences and languages spoken that they possess. This allows me, as a teacher, to be even more creative in my work, and create more challenging and thought provoking lessons than I would otherwise be able to do.

-Ross Black, History-Geography teacher

40 étudesàl'étranger



Thank you for these amazing years in the SIS!  If it weren't for this great community I would not be here today at university studying what I love. - Dimitri, Promotion 2021

1300 élèves

Choosing SIS for our children was the best decision we could have made. The school has the most amazing, dedicated teachers and bright students from diverse backgrounds and experiences which make for the perfect balance for our children to flourish. We also appreciate the warmth and support of the SIS Parents Community, helping me to create my own SIS family far from home.

- Jill, Anglophone Section parent

900 familles

Grâce à l'environnement international des SIS, avec des camarades de classe du monde entier, ma fille est ouverte aux autres cultures et reçoit une excellente éducation, tant dans le système scolaire allemand que français, grâce à d'excellents professeurs de langue maternelle.

- Michaela, parent de la section germanophone


60ans excellence



For the last ten years, my son has crossed Paris every Wednesday afternoon for the SIS programme. This has allowed him to maintain both his written and spoken English. The programme offers an excellent alternative for children who are not in the integrated international section, and I could not be more happy with the education it has provided for my son.

- Katherine, Wednesday Secondary School parent

7 établissements



Nos Partenaires

Deutsch-Profit-Schulen logo
Association des Sections Internationales Britanniques et Anglophones logo
Cambridge Assessment International Education logo
Ministry Education France logo
Kultusminister Konfernz logo
Schulen Partner logo
Mairie Sevres logo