Format de nos tests d'entrée
Tests Section Anglophone
Maternelle - Wednesday Programme
Pre-Kindergarten / Moyenne Section
Year 1 or Kindergarten / Grande Section
Tips for preparing for the test
Read and share books with your child regularly.
Try to read together every day. It doesn’t have to be books; use your environment, exploit the texts around you – posters, cereal packets, notices – they can be used for spotting letters and sounds.
Talk about the book before reading it. Look at the title, the pictures and the information on the cover. If it’s an old book, discuss your favourite bits.
Read with different voices and get your child to join in with bits that are repetitive (‘They pulled and pulled’, ‘Oh, no said the… I won’t let you in’, etc.)
When you have finished, talk about the events in the book.
Encourage your child to talk by asking if something similar has happened to them, or what they would have done in the same situation.
Encourage them to ask you questions about the book.
After reading, play letter spotting and word games. How many words can you find that begin with the ‘t’ sound? What word rhymes with say?
Year 2 / CP
Tips for preparing for the test
Read and share books with your child regularly.
Try to read together every day. It doesn’t have to be books; use your environment, exploit the texts around you – posters, cereal packets, notices – they can be used for spotting letters and sounds.
Talk about the book before reading it. Look at the title, the pictures and the information on the cover. If it’s an old book, discuss your favourite bits.
Read with different voices and get your child to join in with bits that are repetitive (‘They pulled and pulled’, ‘Oh, no said the… I won’t let you in’, etc.)
When you have finished, talk about the events in the book.
Encourage your child to talk by asking if something similar has happened to them, or what they would have done in the same situation.
Encourage them to ask you questions about the book.
After reading, play letter spotting and word games. How many words can you find that begin with the ‘t’ sound? What word rhymes with say?
After reading, play letter spotting and word games. How many words can you find that begin with the ‘t’ sound? What word rhymes with say? This word says ‘Dan’; can you find it anywhere else on the page?
Make sure they are pronouncing the sounds of the letters correctly.
Practise writing their names with them.
Year 3 / CE1
Tips for preparing for the test
- To prepare them for the test it is a good idea to read with your child every day.
- Read a range of literature: picture books, short chapter books and information books are all useful tools for developing their reading strategies and giving them the opportunity to express their views.
- If the book your child has chosen to read with you is too challenging for them, share the reading. You read one page, they read the next or, they read the captions and you read the main body of text. Both of you can read at the same time and when your child nudges you, you stop reading and let them read alone until they begin to stumble, at which point you begin reading with them again.
- When they get stuck on a word, encourage them to use their sound knowledge rather than the alphabet.
- Encourage them to retell the main events.
- Encourage them to discuss the events in relation to their life.
- Play word games, finding words that rhyme or have the same sound but are spelt differently in the text (there, bear, hair, etc.); think of synonyms for words.
- Ask them their opinion about the characters’ actions and behaviour.
- Get them to ask you questions.
- Get them to perform: to use different voices, volumes and pace.
- Encourage them to read to younger siblings.
- Get your child writing regularly – lists of shopping, things to do, labels in their rooms on pictures they draw, postcards, thank you letters, emails – don’t worry about the spelling, just let them write.
- Practise writing frequently used words like ‘she’, ‘he’, ‘it’, ‘the’ and ‘and’.
- Sound out words they ask you to help them with rather than using the names of the letters.
- Be a model; show them that you write too.
Year 4 / CE2
Tips for preparing for the test
- Hearing a story rather than watching it on the TV still has a big influence on reading skills, so regular story reading is highly advised.
- If the book your child has chosen to read with you is too challenging for them, share the reading. You read one page, they read the next or, they read the captions and you read the main body of text. Both of you can read at the same time and when you child nudges you, you stop reading and let them read alone until then begin to stumble, at which point you begin reading with them again.
- Get them to perform; using different voices, pace and tone.
- When reading with your child, stop them occasionally and ask them to predict the subsequent event or action of the character.
- Encourage them to ask questions about things they don’t understand or know the meaning of.
- Ask them to give you a synonym for words in the text.
- Ask them their opinion on the actions or events in the book.
- Encourage them to discuss events in their lives that are similar to those in books.
- Get them writing regularly (5 minutes a day) but don’t correct their work – just let them write and then share what they have written with you.
- Be a model; show them that you write too.
Year 5/6 - CM1/CM2
Tips for preparing for the test
Sharing books is an important tool for developing children’s reading strategies and thus comprehension of books, so share a variety of literature with your child on a regular basis.
Read aloud to them and be dramatic!
Get them to read aloud to you, encouraging expression.
Make a game of predicting – who made the most accurate prediction.
Discuss the inferences made in the story – what mood do you think the mum is in? What does it say in the story to make you think that?
Encourage them to ask questions: about the things they don’t understand; about words they are not familiar with; about things that they won’t find an answer to in the book.
Compare and contrast the story or characters with other stories.
Encourage them to make links with their own lives.
Ask them their opinions on characters or events.
Get them writing regularly (10 minutes a day) about anything that interests them (a diary, a play for their Lego characters, a picture book, jokes, letters, stories like the one they are sharing with you, etc.) but don’t correct their work – just let them write and then share what they have written with you.
Collège -Lower Secondary
Lower Secondary - Collège
The entry tests for the lower secondary - collège level candidates include both a written composition and an oral interview.
Candidates must be fluent speakers of English and be able to read and write at levels equivalent to the year groups applied for in our native language programme.
Written Composition:
- Candidate will read a non-fiction text and respond to a question related to their reading and comprehension of the text.
- They will have 1 hour to write a well-structured composition that addresses appropriately the writing prompt.
- Candidate's will be assessed on their written expression, range of vocabulary and ability to structure and link their ideas.
Oral Interview:
- Candidates will be given an extract from a work of fiction appropriate to level of the year group applied for.
- They will then be engaged in general conversation with a teacher and discuss questions arising from the text.
- Candidates will be assessed on their ability to infer meaning, on their level of comprehension and analysis of the elements of fiction (eg. character, setting, language choices, themes).
Suggested English workbooks and study guides for 6e and 5e candidates:
KS3 English revision Guide:
KS3 revision workbook:
KS3 SPAG revision guide:
KS3 SPAG workbook:
Lycée - Upper Secondary
Upper Secondary - Lycée
The entry tests for the upper secondary - lycée level candidates include both a written composition and an oral interview.
Candidates must be fluent speakers of English and be able to read and write at levels equivalent to the year groups applied for in our native language programme.
Written Composition:
- Candidate will read a non-fiction text and respond to a question related to their reading and comprehension of the text.
- They will have 1 hour and 20mins to write a well-structured composition that addresses appropriately the writing prompt.
- Candidate's will be assessed on their written expression, range of vocabulary and ability to structure and link their ideas, as well their understanding of the audience and the relevancy of their response.
Oral Interview:
- Candidates will be given an extract from a work of fiction appropriate to level of the year group applied for.
- They will then be engaged in general conversation with a teacher and discuss questions arising from the text.
- Candidates will be assessed on their ability to infer meaning, on their level of close-reading and analysis of the elements of fiction (eg. character, setting, language choices, literary allusions, themes and genre).
Suggested English workbooks and study guides for candidates entering Seconde:
Tests Section Germanophone
Maternelle et Primaire
Der Kindergarten nimmt Kinder ab 3 Jahren auf.
Die Voraussetzung für die Aufnahme Ihres Kindes in den Kindergarten ist, dass Ihr Kind Deutsch vesteht und im häuslichen Umfeld diese Sprache hört.
Dem Alter entsprechend erwarten wir, dass das Kind fähig ist, sich auf Deutsch auszudrücken.
Voraussetzung für die Aufnahme Ihres Kindes in die Grundschule ist, dass es Deutsch versteht und spricht.
Der Test für die Aufnahme in die Grundschule orientiert sich je nach Alter und Klassenstufe an dem entsprechenden Lerninhalt eines deutschen Rahmenplans. Dieser Test besteht aus einem mündlichen sowie schriftlichen Teil, der nicht länger als 20 Minuten dauert und entweder in der Grundschule Croix Bosset oder Gambetta B stattfindet.
Collège - muttersprachliche Gruppe
Muttersprachliche Gruppe
1. ein ein- bzw. eineinhalbstündiger schriftlicher Teil :
Dieser überprüft dem Alter der Kandidaten entsprechend
das Textverständnis anhand von Fragen zu einem Text, inklusive Fragen zur Lexik;
das Sprachniveau im Schriftlichen anhand eines kleinen Aufsatzes;
in den oberen Klassen auch das Sprachniveau im größeren Kontext einer Textproduktion, sowie die fachgerechte und übersichtliche Darstellung des Aufsatzes.
Der schriftliche Test wird insgesamt mit einer Note auf 20 bewertet.
2. ein mündlicher Teil, der von einem Text oder von Bildmaterial ausgehend, Verständnis und Kommunikationsfähigkeit testet.
Der mündliche Test wird mit einer Note auf 20 bewertet.
Er kann einen der folgenden Arbeitsschritte umfassen :
das laute Lesen von Textabschnitten, die Zusammenfassung des Inhalts oder/und die Beantwortung von Fragen zu Inhalt und Form des Textes. Es findet stets auch ein Austausch zwischen Prüfer und Kandidat/ in über die im Text enthaltenen Ideen statt.
Collège - groupe langue étrangère
Collège - Groupe langue étrangère
Le test d’entrée pour les candidats en groupes B est adapté à leur profil différent tout en comportant les mêmes parties.
1. Le test pour les élèves de Sixième est spécifique.
Nous n’attendons pas de connaissances en allemand à l’entrée du groupe langue étrangère (groupe B), si les élèves ont fait de l’allemand en Primaire, ils auront l’occasion lors du test de montrer leurs connaissances.
Test écrit 6ème-langue étrangère
Le test écrit comporte deux parties : en français et en allemand.
Partie 1. En français
Rédaction sur un sujet en relation avec l’Allemagne ou la langue allemande
Partie 2. En allemand
« écriture libre » : l’enfant est invité à écrire tout ce qu’il sait dire en allemand
Recopier un texte en allemand (l’objectif est de contrôler sa capacité d’attention et de concentration)
Une page avec des structures à compléter (exercice à trou), à regrouper ou à distinguer (trouver intrus) en suivant des exemples donnés et en tirant des conclusions.
Identifier dans un texte allemand les mots d’un même champ lexical. Voici le principe d’un exercice à trou. L’enfant peut compléter les points de suspension par observation fine de l’exemple. (ihr singt - ich sing....; ich komme - ihr geh...)
Et aussi : Des mots, des noms, et parmi eux, un verbe (ou l’inverse) comme intrus à trouver
Exercice de transformation selon l’exemple donné : das kleine Mädchen => das Mädchen ist klein.
Questions et réponses dans le désordre. Il faut relier ce qui va ensemble.
Test oral 6ème-B
Entretien avec le candidat
Petite leçon d’allemand
2. Étude du dossier scolaire groupe langue étrangère
Les candidats doivent être de bons élèves pour ne pas être mis à l’échec par les exigences de l’enseignement en section internationale.
En réponse aux questions de nombreux parents : « comment préparer ce test ? » nous répondons : D’abord détendre l’enfant ! Nous, on fera le maximum dans le même sens
Die Aufnahmeprüfung im Fach Deutsch für Klassen des Lycée
ein zweistündiger schriftlicher und circa 20 minütiger mündlicher Teil
Der schriftliche Teil überprüft mit den gleichen Aufgabenteilen wie im Collège Textverständnis, Sprachkenntnisse und Fertigkeiten des Aufsatzschreibens auf dem jeweiligen Anspruchsniveau der Kandidatur. Das höhere Anspruchsniveau gilt insbesondere für den Aufsatz : kreative Formen (Weiterschreiben, Wiedergabe aus anderer Perspektive u.ä.) setzen eine gute Wahrnehmung des Ausgangstextes voraus, textanalytische Formen (Resümee, Analyse, Interpretationsfragen), die für eine Kandidatur für die Première oder Terminale vorgelegt werden, sowie Kenntnis der entsprechenden Arbeitsschritte und ihre Anwendung.
Welche Art der Vorbereitung ist sinnvoll ?
Sprechen Sie Deutsch mit Ihrem Kind und helfen Sie ihm durch Lektüre (Vorlesen), Kino- und Theaterbesuche, seinen Wortschatz langfristig zu erweitern. Sorgen Sie für regelmäßige Aufenthalte im deutschsprachigen Raum.
Lassen Sie es eventuell zu Erlebnissen, zu Bildmaterial oder (bei älteren Kindern) zu seiner Lektüre kurze Texte verfassen, die Sie gemeinsam korrigieren. Achten Sie auf eine - ganz nebenbei erfolgende - freundliche Korrektur häufig auftretender Fehler beim Sprechen. Vermeiden Sie bitte jeden “Drill” vor der Prüfung.